Thursday, October 2, 2008

dialog with self 2 : blisssss

Sing for the moment

Dream on

do not let anyone destroy your bliss..
you are responsible for your bliss..
and only if your are happy can you share that happiness with some one else.

if you slip into depression, you will only hand out depression..
life is lovelyyyyyyy
and you are an angel of light
smile.. laugh..
take it light..
who knows you may change the path of someones life with a brief moment of joy..
bliss spreads
bliss is contagious..
bliss is uncontainable..
it is present everywhere, it shows everywhere...
look.. see...

dialog with self

what is freedom and happiness?
is it found in living alone without any dependencies, doing what one wants to do? or in following the norms laid by society?
is it being your own master and living life as you want it? or listening to your friends and family and working towards making them happy?
or is it being with one special individual called the soul mate who is everything that you really wish for? who will make you complete.. who will help you find and realize who you are...

and whatever path we follow what is it that matters in the end???
the one day we feel that we have lived our lives and that it is now time to leave...

who will answer all these questions?
what state of mind is it that makes one think like this?
why do these questions come?

sometimes one feels like giving up everything and going off..
but then is this going off due to the fear of what is in the present?
then that only will make one a coward who ran off without facing the challenge..
does the calling come?
or is it just a myth propagated by individuals who wished to escape from this?

misery and loneliness brings about an intense dislike for life
its usually the state of mind inside that negates all the miracles that unfold before us
if we let our state of mind be dictated by external entities then we are in for a life long run of misery.
loneliness is bearable but misery caused in one person due to the behavior of another is meaningless.

everyone will meet many people on their journey
some will like them.. some will not...
some will accept them as they are.. some will try to change them..
what finally matters is whether you have been able to connect with them..
all superficial social gestures and smiles and jokes are meaningless

its alright if a few people feel that you are the worst.
do not let their judgment of you put you down..
its the same like one mans noise another mans music
every one is wearing different colored glasses
and the same event is interpreted by so many people in so many different ways..
what should matter to you is what you feel inside.
there is a watcher inside each one of us..
and what that watcher sees and feels must be heeded.

wanting someone to come and save you is not going to help..
you have to save yourself.
you have to correct your mistakes
understand your faults
improve. for yourself.. not for someone else.

wanting to be someone else and comparing your life with theirs is another cause for suffering
what you have is best suited for you..
if you wish to change it, put efforts in making the change
rather than wanting to be someone else and hating what you are..

there are certain things that are fixed in your life.
you cant change them.. accept them..
cribbing about them is only going to make you sour.
accept them and move on...

and depending on someone else for your happiness is the worst mistake a man can ever make.
why do you think we are individuals?
if happiness was not part of what we are we, would have been born as pairs with our so called soul mates
nature does not make mistakes..
it creates conditions for betterment

so acceptance of what you are is most important..
does not matter what someone thinks about you.
once you accept what you are, that is freedom..
freedom from false expectations and misery
and freedom from misery is the begining of happiness..

a nice song here for you ..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

little girl

she was like a little butterfly.

flying from here to there. stopping briefly as if to smell a flower and then moving on. dodging her grand dad hands and circling around him teasing. 'daadu vely slow' she exclaimed. 'im the plincess of lighth. fastel than lighth. u can nevel cath me..' her speech was getting clearer as days went by, a hint of baby talk left now.

they came to the park almost everyday. i used to sit and watch them. espcially the little girl. she would discover new things bring them to her grandpa and occassionally get scolded. she would then sulk and sit on the lawn until grandpa said it was ok and that she would get a small choco on the way back home.

some time back when she was little, her grandpa would hold her and take her around wherever she pointed, only allowing her to step on the grass if she insisted and threatened to cry. slowly she had mastered the art of walking steadily without need for support. now she was free, exploring under the watchful eye of her grand dad. as the sun would set, daadu would tell that it was getting darker and start asking her to come home. that would begin the chase. she had one of those shoes that make a silly sound while walking. one of shoes had stopped making the noise. the other one was still painfully functional.

i wondered about the parents of this little bundle of sweetness. why werent they part of her growing up? were they missing her? did she miss her parents not being there? maybe they were working to ensure a bright future for her. but was missing all of this worth it? tough questions which i would not want to answer.

sometimes one felt that life made the choices for them. that to be born in a certain family, to have affinity towards certain skills, to have encountered certain kind of people, to have made certain kind of friends. all part of what one is today and what one prioritizes in ones life. most of the time a persons past impressions were the ones that decided his impression towards the present.

she did not seem to be thinking about all this. her attentions were taken up by a decent sized worm. squatting to take a closer look, she took a small piece of wood lying nearby and was poking the insect. 'look daadu.. it was stlaight like this, when i touched him with this stick it became lound. how do i open him up again? why does he become lound.'

'sweetu dont poke little beings. wouldnt it hurt you if i poked you with that stick? wouldnt you do boo hoo and start demanding a choco? the little worm is hurt now and he is crying. after sometime when the hurt stops he will stop crying and become straight again. shall we head for home now?'

'naaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. little mole time daaddduuu please please please..' she pleaded.

'ok ok.. baby doll, its getting darker.. and you know who comes out when its completely dark right? also mummy will be home soon. she will worry about you if we are not home by then'

'mmmm.. ok daadu.. i will check again if the little tweety bilds have come out of theil eggs. you said they will come soon.'

'yes yes child.. patience... everything has to happen when the time is right. dont you worry.'

she ran to the tree where the sparrows had built a tiny nest and laid their eggs into it. she peered on her toes and twisting her neck to get a closer view. she could see the outside part of the nest. satisfied with her observation she looked around in the fading light.

'lets go home daadu... today i want 5-stal'

'ha ha ha. ok my dear angel.. 5-star it is. but eat half now and keep the other half in the fridge.'

'today i will eat little mole than half. tomollow i will eat less.'

'as you wish little baby.'

and they walked out slowly hand in hand. she telling him about what things she had found today, asking him about when the sparrows would hatch, inquiring about whether they would be buying a 10 rupee 5 star or a 5 rupee one.

i leaned back on the cold cement bench. watching the trees swaying gently in the wind. life was about perpetual motion. constant change.